Monday, October 29, 2012

Drawing I tessellations

Drawing I created 19 triangle designs using a sharpie marker.  Now they are going to use Photoshop to create tessellations!

Here are the instructions:

Drawing I Tessellations!!!

If opening your triangles for the first time: (If you have already created a tessellation skip ahead to the blue area!!!

1.    Open your triangles.
2.    Select the MAGIC wand tool.  (forth from the top)
3.    Click your empty triangle.
4.    Go to SELECT- Modify-Contract 2 pixels.
5.    Go to SELECT- Save Selection- name it triangles.
6.    GO TO FILE SAVE AS- press ok- you want this to be a psd file so you can load your selection next time you open your file!

If you have already done steps 1-6.

1.    Open your triangles.
2.    Select the rectangular marquee tool (2nd down).
3.    Go to SELECT-Load Selection.

1. Now that you have a triangle selected move it to the triangle you want (you must have the rectangular marquee tool or the magic wand too selected)- use the arrow keys to nudge your outline and Cmd + to zoom in and Cmd – to zoom out.
2.  Copy your triangle (Cmd C)
3.  File- New- 

Width 10 INCHES
Height 8 INCHES
Resolution 300
RGB mode

4.             Paste your triangle.
5.             Select the arrow tool (top tool)
6.             Duplicate your layer (Cmd J)
7.             Edit- Transform- Flip Vertical
8.             Move your triangle down and match it PERFECTLY!!!
9.             Cmd E (merge down) rename your layer diamond.
10.          Cmd J (duplicate layer)
11.           Move your triangle to the left.
12.          Edit- Transform- Flip Horizontal
13.           Select- transform- Rotate- at the top where you see the angle type 60.
14.           Move over to match up PERFECTLY- remember to use the arrow keys to line it up perfectly.
15.          Cmd+J
16.          Edit- Transform- Flip Vertical
17.          Move your diamond to line up perfectly.
18.          Cmd E twice!!!  Make sure you don’t merge down to the background layer!!!
19.          Cmd J and move to line up- Fill your entire 10x8 canvas!  You can merge your layers to make a larger image, but make sure you keep on single to fill in small layers.

Drawing II Second Quarter

Drawing II is self guided for 2nd Quarter.  Here are the requirements:

Self Portrait
Large Free Choice (larger than 18x24)
2 free choice

1 12x18 zentangle

Sketchbook Assignments

Where can you get ideas???

Books and binders on the Drawing II green bookshelf!!!