Tuesday, December 17, 2013


The semester is wrapping up- wow I can't believe it!  Its crazy how fast this semester flew by!  I started this blog for my art room- however since switching to a weebly website I don't use it anymore- so I decided to use to to track my progress in flipping my art room.  Since this week is the last week for all of my classes (they are semester not year long classes) I am mapping out how I want my new semester to look like and how I want to flip. As I was doing this one of my former students came in to for an afternoon chat- he asked me what I was doing and and told him about flipping.  Of course he looked at me funny so I asked him to remember back to me demoing in class for all of the stuff we did.  I asked him how many times he forgot what I did by the time I got to the end of the demo.  And how many times he completely forgot the second day- his response- "Almost every time".  So I said now you will have video to go back to and rewatch- and remind you want to do- you can watch it once, twice or 100 times- however many times you need to help you understand the project.  His response-

"That makes sense"

Yes it does- it makes sense!!!  I dipped into it a little in all of my classes, not just my digital camera class this year and the results were good- I got good feedback and and projects looked great. Now I'm going to DIVE!

How?  Well I am teach 2 sections of both Drawing and Design and Drawing I/II so my first thought was to flip one and leave one- but I'm debating this......  maybe I should do both.......  I am also rethinking how I teach Drawing and Design.  Big projects, big unit verse smaller projects that teach the same thing- still teaching my curriculum, just differently.

So much to think about- and I'm excited to do it!  I really can't wait for Jan!

My checklist-

1.  Clear computer expectations- a poster that reminds them about what I expect in my classroom- too much facebook, and youtube right now- even when I walk around!
2.  Update my weebly site- get it all ready for the new year or semesters!
3.  Set up how I want my room to run- I don't want my students to watch videos at home- that isn't going to help- they will forget- but I don't want them to only watch the videos and jump into the assignment- something like 5 minutes video- 5 -10 of conversation and than work time- followed by exit question!
4. Weekly self evaluations- how am I going to do them- how to help them stay on task without nagging on them- because it doesn't work, they have to take ownership for their learning.