Welcome to Iowa weather!!!! Since January 6th we have had 5 snow days- 5 and one of them came the day before I was going to be gone for 4 days- however it was the lesson I was going to flip anyway. The kink in the chain was that the way I am going to flip is to watch the videos during class- than talk about it as a class- what you understand; what you don't etc.
Than, pull out small groups that need extra help and do small demos- that is how I see the flipping going- than when they are in different places I will do small discussions or use discussion questions in Schoology. However- that wasn't going to happen because I was going to be gone for 3 days- insert nervous sigh- than the snow came and then the wind blew and the temperatures were -35 below- and than we didn't have school for 2 days!!! YES!
So I put an announcement in Schoology and theyed watch the video Wednesday- they started in on their project with the sub and then I came back on Thursday- and we talked- and talked and I spent time with the students who needed help and we recapped what they learned and guess what -
Great questions were asked- the kids worked as we talked if they got it- they were just as far if I had been there! It was a great feeling! An awesome feeling really!